

c’t Article: AI in Climate Research

March 15, 2024

Andreas Sudmann has written an article in the German tech magacine c’t about how AI methods are changing climate research and weather forecasting.

Read the article (in German)

Consultancy for The Economist

The Economist, September 13, 2023

We consulted with The Economist to help them write an article on AI Science for their Science & Technology Series.

The article, entitled ‚How scientists are using artificial intelligence‘, was published on 13th September 2023 and can be read in full here.

TV Interview on AI and Fake News

TV Kanal Vis &, August, 2023

Andreas Sudmann was interviewed by a Macedonian broadcaster as part of a journalistic project on fake news, AI, and social media. The aim of the project was to raise awareness of disinformation, and it was supported by the British Embassy.

The contributions were broadcast multiple times on the Macedonian broadcaster TV Kanal Vis and in August.

Following you can see one of the videos titled ‚Fighting Disinformation in the Land of Fake News‘:

Interview with Alex Waibel on the Titan accident

Tagesschau, June 22, 2023

In collaboration with researchers from KIT and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Alex Waibel has developed a method that enables video conferencing even under extreme conditions, as transmission is possible over very low bandwidths.

In the summer of 2022, he tested this method during a submarine expedition to the wreck of the Titanic at a depth of around 4,000 meters with the Titan submarine, which is known from the accident in June 2023.

Communication with the mother ship at such depths has so far only been possible via text messages using sonar. These were ideal test conditions for Waibel to try out his method. In the submarine a sound recording was first converted into a text message using automatic speech recognition and then transmitted to the mother ship via sonar. AI was then used to create a synthetic reconstruction of the speaker’s voice and video. Despite complications, such as the failure of one of the two sonar devices, some dialog was transmitted.

During a similar expedition to the wreck of the Titanic, contact with the Titan submarine was lost in mid-June 2023. Despite days of searching, the Titan could not be found and the search was finally abandoned as the survival of the occupants had to be ruled out.

Alex Waibel was often interviewed during these days to report on his experiences in the submarine and to give an assessment of the situation. Below you will find an interview with the German Tagesschau.

Radio interview for Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Deutschlandfunk Kultur, May 4, 2023   

As part of a radio feature on the uses of artificial intelligence in the sciences, Andreas Sudmann gave an interview to German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Among other things, he explained that AI models will soon be capable of identifying problem contexts that humans were previously unaware of. In other words, they will be able to generate new scientific findings themselves.

You can find the full feature under the title „Wissenschaft – KI hilft Forschenden, Theorien zu entwickeln“ („Science – AI helps scientists to develop theories“) online on Deutschlandfunk Kultur’s website or listen to it below: