Publications & Media (alt)

Publications & Media

Latest publication
Editors: Andreas Sudmann | Anna Echterhölter | Markus Ramsauer |
Fabian Retkowski | Jens Schröter | Alexander Waibel
Beyond Quantity
Research with Subsymbolic AI
How do artificial neural networks and other forms of artificial intelligence interfere with methods and practices in the sciences? Which interdisciplinary epistemological challenges arise when we think about the use of AI beyond its dependency on big data? Not only the natural sciences, but also the social sciences and the humanities seem to be increasingly affected by current approaches of subsymbolic AI, which masters problems of quality (fuzziness, uncertainty) in a hitherto unknown way. But what are the conditions, implications, and effects of these (potential) epistemic transformations and how must research on AI be configured to address them adequately?

Recent publication
Editors: Anna Tuschling | Andreas Sudmann | Bernhard J. Dotzler
with contributions from members of the HiAICS-Research Group.
ChatGPT und andere „Quatschmaschinen“
Gespräche mit Künstlicher Intelligenz
In an experimental format, the editors present initial commented conversations with AI language models. They provide insights into dialogic scenes that capture an ongoing transformation of technology and peculiarities of machine learning. The collection aims, through witty, eerie, and more or less intelligent dialogues between humans and machines, to document a media-historical transition into a new era of ubiquitous AI.
Full Grant (since 2022)
- Dotzler, B., Sudmann, A., & Tuschling, A. (2023). ChatGPT und andere Quatschmaschinen. Gespräche mit Künstlicher Intelligenz. transcript.
- Echterhölter, A. (2023). Zur Klassifikation von Menschen und Mineralien. In Rosol, C., Rispoli, G., Klingan, K., & Hoffmann-Walbeck, N. (Eds.), Evidenzensembles (pp. 15-34). Spector Books.
- Echterhölter, A., Ramsauer, M., Retkowski, F., Schröter, J., Sudmann, A., & Waibel, A. (Eds). (2023). Beyond Quantity.
- Echterhölter, A. (2021). Formative encounters: Colonial data collection on land and law in German Micronesia. Science in Context 34 (4), 527-552.
- Echterhölter, A., & Midena, D. (2021). Surveying Rules: Extending the Enquete to Colonial Contexts via the German Commission for the Study of Native Law, 1907–1930. In C. Corbould, C. Greenhalgh, & A. Warwick (Eds.), Surveys and Society: Legacies of the Social Survey, 1919–2019. Berghahn Books.
- Echterhölter, A. (2024 forthcoming). Metrologien. Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte einer Infrastruktur. Wallstein.
- Echterhölter, A. (2024 forthcoming). Daten und Datenkolonialismus. zur Einführung. Junius.
- Echterhölter, A., Lorenz C., & Richter, T. (2024): Apparate. Über Regierungsverfahren und Algorithmisierung. Metzler.
- Eckel, J., Ernst, C., & Schröter, J. (2023). Imaginaries of Machine Vision. Navigationen. Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften, 23(1), 93-108.
- Huber, C., Dinh, T. A., Mullov, C., Pham, N. Q., Nguyen, T. B., Retkowski, F., Constantin, S., Ugan, E. Y., Liu, D., Li, Z., Koneru, S., Niehues, J., & Waibel, A. (2023). End-to-End Evaluation for Low-Latency Simultaneous Speech Translation. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations (pp. 12–20). Singapore: Association for Computational Linguistics. 10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-demo.2
- Ramsauer, M., & Çaglar, A (2024). Making the Convert Speak: The Production of Truth and the Apparatus of Conversion in Austria. In E. Öztürk, & L Rose (Eds.), Asylum and Conversion from Islam to Christianity in Europe: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Bloomsbury.
- Retkowski, F. (2023). The Current State of Summarization. In A. Sudmann, A. Echterhölter, M. Ramsauer, F. Retkowski, J. Schröter, & A. Waibel (Eds.), Beyond Quantity (pp. 291-312). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
- Retkowski, R. & Waibel, A. (2024). From Text Segmentation to Smart Chaptering: A Novel Benchmark for Structuring Video Transcriptions. In Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Vol 1: Long Papers), (pp. 406–419). St. Julian’s, Malta: Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Schröter, J. (2023). The AI Image, the Dream and the Statistical Unconscious. Image. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Image Sciences, 37(1), 112-120. - Sudmann, A. (2022). On Computer Creativity. Machine Learning and the Arts of Artificial Intelligences. In J. Horáková, M. Kupková, & M. Szücsová (Eds.), The Black Box Book. Archives and Curatorship in the Age of Transformation of Art Institutions (pp. 264-280). Masaryk University Press.
- Sudmann, A., & Dippel, A. (2023). AI ethnography. In S. Lindgren (Eds.), Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence (pp. 826-844). Edward Elgar.
- Sudmann, A. (2023). Anfang und Ende der Spekulation. In: V. Bachmann, M. Fleig, C. Heibach, S. Ottmann, & S. Roesler-Keilholz (Eds.), Staunen. Rechnen. Rätseln (pp. 209-218). transcript. - Sudmann, A. (2023). Imaginationsräume der KI. In S. Grampp, P. Podrez, & N. Wiedenmann (Eds.), Medien Zeiten. Interdependenzen (pp. 347-362). Springer.
Planning Grant (since 2019)
- Echterhölter, A. (2020). Shells and Order: Questionnaires on Indigenous Law in German New Guinea. Journal for the History of Knowledge, 1(1), Article 17.
- Echterhölter, A., Schröter, J., & Sudmann, A. (2021). How is Artificial Intelligence Changing Science? Research in the Era of Learning Algorithms.
- Echterhölter, A. (2021). Formative encounters: Colonial data collection on land and law in German Micronesia. Science in Context, 34(4), 527-552.
- Ernst, C., Kaldrack, I., Schröter, J., & Sudmann, A. (2019). Künstliche Intelligenzen. Einleitung in den Schwerpunkt. Zeitschrift Für Medienwissenschaft, 11(2), 10-19.
- Ernst, C., & Schröter, J. (2020). Zukünftige Medien: Eine Einführung. Springer.
- Ernst, C., Schröter, J., & Sudmann, A. (2019). AI and the Imagination to Overcome Difference. spheres: Journal for Digital Cultures, 5. - Nguyen, T.-S., Stueker, S., & Waibel, A. (2021). Super-Human Performance in Online Low-latency Recognition of Conversational Speech. ArXiv.
- Schröter, J. (2020). Digitale Medien und Methoden. Medienarchäologie der digitalen Medien. Open-Media-Studies-Blog der Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft.
- Sudmann, A. (2019). On the Media-Political Dimension of Artificial Intelligence. Deep Learning as a Black Box and OpenAI. In A. Sudmann (Ed.), The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence. Net Politics in the Era of Learning Algorithms (pp. 223–244). transcript.
- Sudmann, A. (Ed.). (2019). The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence. Net Politics in the Era of Learning Algorithms. transcript.
- Sudmann, A. (2020). Künstliche neuronale Netzwerke als Black Box. In P. Klimczak, C. Petersen, & S. Schilling (Eds.), Maschinen der Kommunikation: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Technik und Gesellschaft im digitalen Zeitalter (pp. 189–199). Springer Fachmedien.
Radio interview
Deutschlandfunk Kultur, May 4, 2023
As part of a radio feature on the uses of artificial intelligence in the sciences, Andreas Sudmann gave an interview to German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Among other things, he explained that AI models will soon be capable of identifying problem contexts that humans were previously unaware of. In other words, they will be able to generate new scientific findings themselves.
You can find the full feature under the title „Wissenschaft – KI hilft Forschenden, Theorien zu entwickeln“ („Science – AI helps scientists to develop theories“) online on Deutschlandfunk Kultur’s website or listen to it below:
Conference participation
Dubai, February 6-10, 2022
Andreas Sudmann participated in the second international conference on Humanities and the Rise of AI giving a lecture on AI as a quasi-analog information technology. The conference took place in the Luxembourg pavilion at the 2020 World Expo in Dubai, organized by the Faculty of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences at the University of Luxembourg.
Further information about the conference is available on the website of ‚The Ends of the Humanities‘, an international network for the scientific analysis of technological change.
Watch the full lecture on video: