Jens Schröter

How is Artificial Intelligence Changing Science?

Research in the Era of Learning Algorithms

Image by Sentavio –

Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter

Chair of Media Cultural Studies
Main Research Area: Theory and History of Digital Media.

Department of Media Studies
Institute for Linguistics, Media and Musicology
Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn

Lennéstraße 1
53113 Bonn

Tel: +49 228 73 47 46
Fax: +49 228 73 92 87


  • 2008: Habilitation at University of Siegen
  • 2002: Dissertation at University of Essen
  • 1996: Magister Artium (M. A.) at Ruhr-University Bochum

Research Experience

  • Since 2020: Lead and principal investigator of the research project „How is Artificial Intelligence Changing Science?“
  • Since 2018: Director of Research Projects with the DFG (Van Gogh TV) and VW Foundation (Society after Money – A Simulation)
  • 2017: Fellowships in Vienna and Weimar
  • Since 2015: Chair for Media Cultural Studies, University of Bonn
  • WS 2014/15: Fellowship at the Research Centre „Media Cultures of Computer Simulation“ at Leuphana University, Lüneburg
  • 2014: John-Von-Neumann-Fellowship at the University of Szeged, Hungary
  • 2008-2015: Professor for „Theory and Practice of Multimedial Systems“, University of Siegen
  • 2002-2008: Research Assistant at the University of Siegen, Research Project „Virtualization of Sculpture“

Relevant Publications