Anna Echterhölter
How is Artificial Intelligence Changing Science?
Research in the Era of Learning Algorithms
Image by Sentavio –
Prof. Dr. Anna Echterhölter
Professorship for „Modern History: History of Science“
Main Research Area: History of Technology, History of Science, History of Economics
Department of History
Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies
University of Vienna
Universitätsring 1
1010 Vienna
Tel: + 43 1 4277 40 865
- 2017: Habilitation at Humboldt-University Berlin
- 2009: Dissertation, defended at Humboldt-University Berlin, supervised by H. Böhme and L. Daston
- 2001: Magistra Artium (M.A.) supervised by H. Böhme and H.-J. Schings
- 1993: European Exchange Dnjepopetrovsk / Ukraine (Workcamp of the SCI)
Research Experience
- Since 2020: Principal investigator of the research project „How is Artificial Intelligence Changing Science?“
- Since 2018: Professorship „Modern History: History of Science“ Univ. of Vienna
- 2017–2018: Interim Professorship for the History of Technology at Technical University Berlin
- 2016–2017: Interim Professorship for Cultural History at HU-Berlin
- 2016: Postdoc-Fellow, German Historical Institute, Washington D.C:
- 2014–2015: Postdoc-Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science
- 2008–2018: Assistant Professor (Wiss. Mitarb.) with changing affiliations at HU-Berlin and at the Cluster of Excellence TOPOI, SFB Transformations of Antiquity
Relevant Publications
- Echterhölter, Anna (in preparation). Infrastrukturen der Asymmetrie. Vom ökonomischen Handwerk des Messens [Habilitation thesis].
- Echterhölter, A. (2018a). Little by Little: Datensammlung und Skalierung in der Rechtsethnologie des 19. Jahrhunderts. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 12(41), 341–344.
- Echterhölter, A. (2018b). Plantagenzeit. Gabe, Frist und Metroklasmus im ‘Deutschen Pazifik’. In M. Bies, S. Giacovelli, & A. Langenohl (Eds.), Gabe und Tausch. Zeitlichkeit, Aisthetik, Ästhetik (pp. 197–217). Wehrhahn.
- Echterhölter, A., Blumentrath, H., Felcht, F., & Harrasser, K. (2019). Jenseits des Geldes. Aporien der Rationierung. Spectorbooks.
- Echterhölter, A. (2019). Quantification as Conflict. Witold Kula’s Political Metrology and Its Reception in the West. Historyka, 49, 117–141.