
How is Artificial Intelligence Changing Science?

Research in the Era of Learning Algorithms


How do artificial intelligence (AI) technologies affect research and science? By following this perspective, the project is less concerned with research on AI per se than with how different disciplines use AI as a tool. The central focus lies on how heterogeneous concepts and operations of the social sciences and humanities, on the one hand, and the natural and technical sciences, on the other, are integrated into applications of AI. Research on the latter will also explore the extent to which critical perspectives inform and accompany the use of AI. The project concentrates on artificial neural networks (ANN) because of their dominant status among current AI approaches. In order to extend the scope to an international level, it covers a variety of disciplines across Europe, including the natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Hence, the project not only explores the similarities and differences among instances where AI is deployed in various fields, it also sheds light on the cultural and national specificities inherent to these processes.


International Workshop

On June 12, 2020, the first internal workshop of the research group „How is AI Changing Science“ will take place. The aim is to discuss first concepts of how to critically examine AI as a method in a trans- or interdisciplinary way. Under corona conditions this workshop will unfortunately only take place as a video conference via zoom. We hope for better times.

International Workshop

On June 12, 2020, the first internal workshop of the research group „How is AI Changing Science“ will take place. The aim is to discuss first concepts of how to critically examine AI as a method in a trans- or interdisciplinary way. Under corona conditions this workshop will unfortunately only take place as a video conference via zoom. We hope for better times.


Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter

Applicant 1, Planning Grant
Chair of Media Studies, Main Research Area: Theory and History of Digital Media

Prof. Dr. Anna Echterhölter

Applicant 2, Planning Grant
Professorship for “Modern History: History of Science”, Main Research Area: History of technology, History of science, History of economics

PD Dr. Andreas Sudmann

Applicant 3, Planning Grant
Media Studies, Main Research Area: History and Medial Infrastructures of Artificial Intelligence, Digital Culture, Aesthetics and Politics of Visual Media

Prof. Dr. Alexander Waibel

Applicant 4, Planning Grant
Computer Science, Main Research Area: Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, automatic speech recognition & translation, multimodal and perceptual user interfaces, neural networks

Relevant Publications

  • Ernst, Christoph, et al. “AI and the Imagination to Overcome Difference.” Spheres. Journal for Digital Cultures, vol. 5, Nov. 2019,
  • Ernst, Christoph, et al. „Künstliche Intelligenzen. Einleitung in den Schwerpunkt“. Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2019, pp. 10–19., doi:
  • Sudmann, Andreas. „On the Media-Political Dimension of Artificial Intelligence. Deep Learning as a Black Box and OpenAI“. The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence. Net Politics in the Era of Learning Algorithms, transcript, 2019, pp. 223–44, doi:10.25969/mediarep/13542.
  • — The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence. Net Politics in the Era of Learning Algorithms, transcript, 2019.
  • —. “Zur Einführung. Medien, Infrastrukturen und Technologien des maschinellen Lernens.” Machine Learning. Medien, Infrastrukturen und Technologien der Künstlichen Intelligenz, Transcript, 2018, pp. 9–23.
  • Echterhölter, Anna. „Little by Little: Datensammlung und Skalierung in der Rechtsethnologie des 19. Jahrhunderts.“ Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, vol. 12, no. 41, 2018, pp. 341–44
  • Ernst, Christoph, and Jens Schröter. AI and the Form of Capital – Preliminary Notes on the Media of Artificial Intelligence. 2018,
  • Schröter, Jens, et al. „Selbstlernende autonome Systeme? – Medientechnologische Bedingungen und Diskurvisierungen am Beispiel von Alphabets Differentiable Neural Computer (DNC).“ Machine Learning. Medien, Infrastrukturen und Technologien der Künstlichen Intelligenz, Transcript, 2018, pp. 169–94.
  • — “Wenn die Maschinen mit der Sprache spielen.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, vol. 256, Nov. 2016, p. N2.
  • Waibel, Alexander. “Sprachbarrieren Durchbrechen: Traum Oder Wirklichkeit.” Nova Acta Leopoldina, vol. NF 122, no. 410, 2015, pp. 101–23.
  • Waibel, Alexander, and Rainer Stiefelhagen. Computers in the Human Interaction Loop. Springer, 2009.
  • Flückiger, Barbara. Visual Effects. Filmbilder aus dem Computer. (Visual Effects. Computer-generated Film Images.) Schueren, 2008.
  • — Sound Design. Die virtuelle Klangwelt des Films. (Sound Design. The Virtual Soundscape of Films). 5th ed., Schueren, 2012.


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